
Lock away your exclusive content. Give access to valued members. Create an unlimited number of discount codes and offer percentage or flat rate based discounts. Elegant and easy-to-use reports to show you exactly how well your membership site is performing. Easily see the current month’s performance, or any other time period.


  • Discount Codes
    Create an unlimited number of discount codes and offer percentage or flat rate based discounts.
  • Reports
    Elegant and easy-to-use reports to show you exactly how well your membership site is performing. Easily see the current month’s performance, or any other time period.
  • Extensive Help
    Contextual help inside the WordPress admin provides you relevant information at your fingertips.
  • Unlimited Subscription Packages
    Create an unlimited number of subscription packages. You can easily create free, trial, and premium subscriptions.
  • Simple Setup
    Restrict Content Pro makes it extremely easy to deliver premium content to your subscribers.
  • Built-in Integrations
    Accept credit cards with Stripe, Braintree, 2Checkout, or PayPal Website Payments Pro. Restrict Content Pro also supports PayPal Standard and Express, as well as multiple payment options at the same time.
  • Data Export
    Generate a CSV of all active members of any particular subscription level, or a CSV of every member in the system. You can also generate a CSV of every payment that has been made.
  • Members Management
    Easily view all active, pending, expired, cancelled, and free users.
  • Member Emails
    Send welcome emails to new members, email payment receipts, and remind members before their account expires automatically.


  1. How do access levels work?
    Access levels are one of the elements of subscription levels that you can configure when setting up the membership levels for your site.
    Each subscription level has the option to set an access level between 1 and 10, or none.
    When members subscribe to a subscription, their account is considered to have the same access level that is assigned to the subscription level. This means that a member that subscribes to a subscription with an access level of 5, will also have an access level of 5.
    Access levels are a tiered system, meaning any account with an access level can view any and all content that is assigned to an access level of equal or lower value.
    For example, a member that has an access level of 4 will be permitted to view all content assigned an access of 4 or lower. A member with an access level of 3 can view content assigned to level 3, 2, 1, and none, but not anything assigned to 4 or higher.
    When setting up content restriction options, you may assign an access level required for viewing that content.
  2. Can I manually approve member accounts?
    Yes you can!
    Restrict Content Pro is fully integrated with the WP Approve User. Install it and you will be able to require that user accounts be approved before members are able to log in and access the restricted content.
  3. Can I restrict products in WooCommerce?
    Yes you can!
    When WooCommerce and Restrict Content Pro are both activated, there will be a panel on the product edit screen called Access Control. This panel will allow you to restrict who can view a product and also who can purchase a product.
  4. Do I Need an SSL Certificate?
    The answer to this depends upon which payment gateway you choose to use. There is a general rule: if your site processes credit cards, you must have a valid SSL certificate. If, however, your site does not process credit cards and all customers are sent off-site for payment processing, an SSL certificate may not be required.