Yogaa – Wellness PSD Template suitable for yoga. Includes Shop and 18 Total Pages.
Pages 01_Home-Yoga.psd 02_About.psd 03_Services.psd 04_Gallery_4_Column.psd 05_Gallery_3_Column.psd 06_Gallery_Masonry.psd 07_Gallery_Single.psd 08_Popup.psd 09_Blog_List_One.psd 10_Blog_List_Two.psd 11_Blog_Single.psd 12_Shop_Right_Sidebar.psd 13_Shop_Left_Sidebar.psd 14_Shop_Single.psd 15_My_Cart.psd 16_Checkout.psd 17_404-Error.psd 18_Contact.psd
Fonts Raleway (Heading Text) Merriweather (Content Text) Lato (Content Text) Font Awesome (Icons)
Images Unsplash Shutter Stock Photos
Note The images you see in the screenshots are used for demo purposes only, they are not incuded in the download package.
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